How to Make a Healthy Snickers
I’ve always had a sweet tooth. There’s just something about finishing a meal with a touch of sweetness that seems right. But like many of my other dessert-lovers out there, I know that having a sweet tooth can be a little dangerous, especially if you’re trying to drop a few pounds or just improve your health.
Throughout my whole life whenever I’ve been trying to lose weight, I’ve always restricted myself and cut sweets completely out. And as you can imagine that goes well for about a week, and after that not so much...because then as soon as I get my hands on something sweet, I go crazy and overdo it. But over the last couple years, I’ve had to learn that sweets do have a place in my moderation.
But even then, sweets often lack nutrition and are filled with preservatives and chemicals. Nowadays, you go to the grocery store, grab a candy bar, and can’t pronounce most of the ingredients. So, one day I opted to try to make something that satisfied my sweet tooth while still being nutritious.
Everything you need for a healthy, vegan snickers
These nut-butter chocolate-covered dates are the perfect solution to my sweet tooth, and they’re actually made of real food with names that you can pronounce. They’re simple and easy to make, and I promise they’re bound to be a hit with your family.
Vegan chocolate chips
Nut butter of your choice
Nut of your choice
Coconut shavings (optional)
First, you’re going to un-pit your dates unless you’ve already bought unpitted dates. I prefer buying pitted dates over unpitted because I think they stay fresher and are a little softer, but the choice is up to you.
After you’ve unpitted your dates, spread a little of your favorite nut butter in the middle of the date. You can use a little or a lot. It just depends on your preference. And the same goes for the type of nut butter you use. I typically prefer peanut butter or cashew butter because I think it makes the finished product taste like a Snickers, but if you’re an almond butter fan, then spread some almond butter on your dates.
Next, you’re going to take your nuts—for this recipe, I chose cashews, but walnuts are also a great option—and smoosh them into the nut butter. After that, lay your date, nut butter, nut creation aside for a second, and begin melting the chocolate chips.
I prefer vegan chocolate chips, specifically, the brand, Enjoy Life, because well, first I’m vegan. And secondly, they just seem to melt better than regular chocolate chips. But, it’s ultimately up to you.
Vegan chocolate drizzle, dying from happiness
After you’ve melted your chocolate chips, you’re going to dip your little date, nut butter, and nut creations into the chocolate and then put them in the freezer for thirty minutes so they can harden. (Oh, and if you want to get a little fancy, you can sprinkle some coconut shavings on your dates before you put them in the freezer).
And then after about thirty minutes, you’ll have the healthiest Snicker/ candy bar you can find.
They’ll be gone within 20 minutes