How To Make The Easiest Vegan Breakfast: Acai Bowls
When I first went vegan, I struggled to come up with breakfast ideas.And I know it’s the same for a lot of other people because whenever I tell people I’m vegan, I always get asked, “What do you eat for breakfast?”
Easiest vegan breakfast
One of my favorite vegan recipes is an acai bowl. I love this specific recipe because it’s easy to make, fulfilling, and low in sugar.
You might be thinking that this recipe is just like any acai bowl that you can get at a smoothie bar, but oftentimes, the picturesque bowls you get at chic Instagrammable cafes are filled with extra sugar, making them highly caloric and not so healthy.
You may think you’re getting a light, healthy smoothie, but in reality, you’re actually getting fruit-flavored ice cream. So, that’s why I like making my own bowls for breakfast. I know what’s in them, and they taste just as good as the ones you can buy.
1 Sambazon Acai Packs
I like these acai packs the best because they’re low in added sugar, and they’re certified fair trade and organic.
1 frozen banana
1 cup of frozen mango
¾-1 cup of Oat Milk
You can use any plant milk of your choice, but I prefer oat milk because it makes the bowl a little creamier
For toppings:
Mint sprig
I also love to add oats, flaxseeds, chia seeds, shredded coconut. really anything can go on top.
my favorite vegan breakfast
Put the acai packs, frozen bananas, frozen mango, and oat milk into the blender. Blend until smooth. If you put a little too much plant milk, add more frozen fruit. And if you’re having problems blending the fruit, then add an additional splash of plant milk. But, I personally like to use less plant milk and keep blending so that the base of my bowl is thick.
acai bowl+coconut bowl=perfection
After you’ve blended the base to your desired consistency, scoop out the base into these super cute coconut bowls from ( ). Top with raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, mango, and a mint sprig. Keep in mind that you can use whatever toppings you desire, but I chose these because all of these fruits are in season.
Now, you have a delicious, healthy breakfast that’s bound to keep you full until lunch… or maybe even dinner.