How to Make Vegan Spring Rolls
Being plant-based, in theory, sounds nice and super easy. I mean you don’t have to cook meat, and vegetables don’t require much preparation at all. But aside from that, being plant-based can be hard. Because, yeah, while it is easy to chop up some vegetables and throw them in a bowl, it’s hard eating the same things every single day.
And when I first made the switch to 100% vegan, for a while I felt like I ate the same rotation of lifeless meals every week. But then, I realized if I was going to make this vegan thing work and stick to a plant-based diet, I had to learn how to make vegan food that I actually enjoyed, vegan food that was exciting and flavorful.
These spring rolls were one of the first recipes I learned how to make when I made the switch to 100% vegan. And besides being chock-full of nutrients and vitamins, they’re delicious and super easy to make.
The best vegan snack
Typically, I make these rolls on nights when I’m busy and don’t feel like putting much effort into a meal. And while making them is just as easy as throwing some vegetables in a bowl and calling it a salad, these rolls are more fun to eat and are tastier than your average salad.
Also, note that you can substitute any of the following ingredients to customize your own spring rolls.
For the rolls
Rice paper
Purple cabbage
Baby Kale
For the sauce
Peanut butter
Sweet chili sauce
Sriracha to taste
Like I said before, these rolls are super easy to make. The first thing you want to do is to chop up all of your fruits and vegetables. However, this part does require a little bit of time, so if you’re super busy in the evenings, maybe try to find some time in the morning to begin prepping the vegetables.
beautiful plate of veggies
I like to grate the carrots, cucumbers, and beets on a grader but you can also use a food processor if you have one.
Next, dip your rice paper into a bowl of water, I like to double up and use two. Leave in the water for 15 seconds until its soft, and then take the rice paper out and lay it flat on a cutting board or your kitchen counter.
Now, you’re going to place all of the ingredients on the rice paper. Place the ingredients more toward one side of the circle so you can easily “roll” the roll. After placing the desired amount of each ingredient, take the edge of the rice paper and begin to “roll” the roll. Stick the edges onto the paper (the paper will be sticky, so the outside edges will easily adhere to the body of the roll).
Now, in a separate bowl, mix the peanut butter and sweet chili sauce together. I make my sauce to taste, so I don’t use designated amounts. However, I find that a dollop of peanut butter and a spoonful of sweet chili sauce works best. You can also add some sriracha sauce if you prefer your sauce to be spicy.
After making your sauce, dip your rolls, and enjoy a super easy, fun, vegan-friendly meal!
The vegan peanut sauce is to die for