Our Sustainable Brands Featuring Cape Porpoise Trading Co.
I know lately, I’ve been pushing the sustainability message a lot, but that’s because it’s so important. I love our Earth and want it to last for my children and their children and so on. So, I think one of the best things I can do is to get the message out there that there are more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to your favorite products.
You can still look chic and stylish while dressing in clothes that are good for the environment and last a long time. And you can still wash your clothes, clean your dishes, brush your teeth, and decorate your home while using products that are better for our Earth.
For this post, I’d like to bring up a new sustainable brand that I just started carrying in the shop: Cape Porpoise Trading Co.
Cape Porpoise Trading Co., the best doormat you’ll ever own
The majority of items that I sell in my shop are clothing-related, but Cape Porpoise Trading Co. sells sustainable home decor in the form of rugs and doormats. What makes Cape Porpoise Trading Co. special is that all of their rugs and doormats are made out of recycled lobster rope.
And while that doesn’t seem particularly significant, consider that fishing gear accounts for roughly 10% of all plastic debris that ends up in the ocean every year. That’s about 1 million tons of fishing gear that ends up in the ocean annually.
A rainbow of Cape Porpoise Trading Co.
Cape Porpoise Trading Co. is doing what it can to recycle some of that fishing gear. By recycling old lobster rope, Cape Porpoise Trading Co. is keeping those ropes from entering the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and other massive trash heaps circling around our oceans. About 46% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made out of discarded fishing gear, so keeping even a little bit of it out of the ocean, helps halt the massive influx of plastic that’s entering our oceans every year.
They’re even Spell-proof
Based in Maine, Cape Porpoise Trading Co. prides itself on taking something that is distinctly part of Maine’s heritage and turning it into goods that people all over the country and even the world can use in their homes. A few years ago, the government banned float rope—the rope used to connect buoys to lobster traps. And since then, Cape Porpoise Trading Co. has traversed the coast of Maine collecting this rope to ensure that it doesn’t end up in landfills or the ocean.
Coming in a variety of unique and colorful patterns, Cape Porpoise Trading Co. weaves discarded float rope into artisan doormats and rugs that are perfect for any outdoor or indoor space. Because float rope is designed to last in the ocean for years, you can be sure that your Cape Porpoise Trading Co. rug or doormat will last you throughout the years: rain, shine, mud, and everything else in between.
Love the teal gradient on this one!
I’m proud to carry Cape Porpoise Trading Co. because the company shares my shop’s core values: sustainability, fair treatment of workers (Cape Porpoise Trading Co. buys all of its rope from lobster fishermen at a fair price, and it’s made in the U.S.A), and the products are high-quality. So, come by the shop or check out these Cape Porpoise Trading Co. doormats and rugs online.
Cute and sustainable home goods!