How To Make The Best Holiday Cocktail and Vegan Cookies
Last week, we had a little holiday celebration at the shop. Cocktail, cookies (vegan), and fairy hair. It was the perfect little teaser for tomorrow. And it gave me a chance to try out some recipes I’ve been wanting to test out. I made vegan gingersnap cookies and an easy elderberry champagne cocktail.

How To Make The Best, Easiest Plant-Based Empanadas
With Christmas coming up fast, you probably need a couple of quick and easy recipes so you’re not showing up to the family Christmas dinner empty-handed. And if you’re a vegan or a plant-based babe in a family full of carnivores, well, you’ll definitely want to bring something so you’re not left eating romaine lettuce and carrots for Christmas dinner.

How to Find the Best Christmas Gifts
Every year, right after Thanksgiving millions of Americans flock to giant corporate stores to participate in the chaotic, waste-driven, spending fest that we know as Black Friday. Sounds crazy, right? Just after a day where we’re supposed to be thankful for what we have and spend time with family, we’re supposed to wait in long lines, push other people, and fight for cheap, low-quality stuff that’s destroying our planet.