Reflections from 2022
And just like that, the 2022 season comes to an end…
I can't help but reflect on what a turbulent ride 2022 was. It was a year filled with extreme highs and extreme lows, especially in my personal life.—which I have learned almost always correlates with the sales in the shop. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. People try to say business is not personal, but I don't believe that’s the case for small business owners.
I have almost always found that when you really put in 100%, then that's what your return will be. When it's only 50%, that's also what your return will be.
I started 2022 with a broken arm—not the best way to ring in the new year. But shortly after that, I bought a house which has been something I’ve wanted to do since I moved back to Miami. Then just when things were looking up and my broken arm was no longer a hindrance, I lost Nala, my best friend. My world stopped for a little bit. She was the most wonderful shop dog that ever lived, and I still miss her every day. But then we got Spell, a new extremely sweet pup…with a lot of energy. So, she won’t be hanging in the shop for now, but maybe one day.
Then, we went to our house in Costa Rica in the summer. Costa Rica always holds a special place in my heart. It recharges me and clears my mind, but after we left Costa Rica, I got extremely sick for a month in the fall. But I finally healed and then focused on finishing the year strong, and we did just that.
I know this sounds crazy, but believe it or not, the downturns in my personal life always directly line up with the downturn in sales. The good times this year in my personal life also seem to bring excellent sales. I guess I never really noticed it, but the shop is an extension of myself. And when I’m not doing well, it doesn’t seem like the shop is either.
I really admire the small business people who can completely remove themselves from what's going on, but reflecting on our own results, I don't understand how that works for them? Maybe my new year's resolution should be to remove myself a little? Or maybe that’s what makes the shop so special—that it’s inherently a part of me.
On a good note for the year, we did experience lots of growing pains. My little team has been with me for a while now, and the fruits of all the groundwork seem to be coming into the season. We really came together as a team and planned. We brainstormed on ways to grow and bring in new people, and we came up with forever jewelry. That seems to be off to a really great start, so our months of preparation have been paying off.
We also redesigned and rebranded our brand-new website, learned a ton about google, and all kinds of tech stuff that isn't always the most fun but does pay off with time. We also received two grants this year. One was the Mom and Pop grant from the City of Miami and the other one was the Rise grant from Comcast. That’s a win for small businesses.
The moral of the story is what it always has been. Life is hard, and sadly, so is business. But you can do it. You will fall, but you can always brush yourself off and be great again. Being a small business owner in today's environment is only for the toughest of the tough, and you have to be willing to change and evolve daily to keep it going. But the truth is… it's not the strongest who survive but the most adaptable.
The Meadow Collective Team
We’re coming in 2023 with a lot of momentum that has had months of work behind it. We’re excited for the new opportunities, and we will keep rolling with the punches through this year— even though we’re hoping there aren’t so many punches. Our goal for this year is a more steady balance combined with growth, success, and happiness.
Thank you all for your continued support. From my very first clients 17 years ago in Costa Rica to the new community that has formed around our Miami shop in the last five years, thank you for everything. It really does take a village, and every single day I am so thankful to have the best customers in the world. Clients who have become friends. Thank you all… Cheers to 2023… let's make some magic.