We Do NOT Support Fast Fashion

We Do NOT Support Fast Fashion

April is a special month for us at Meadow Collective for a lot of reasons. But the main two are Earth Day and Fashion Revolution. As a boutique that sources sustainable fashion and gifts from sustainable brands like Spell, Indah, and Nine Lives Bazaar as well as local artisans, we’re trying to do our part to bring awareness to the horrors of the fast fashion industry.

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Thank You.
Fashion, Journey Guest User Fashion, Journey Guest User

Thank You.

I remember when I first opened up the shop. I wasn’t sure how people would take it. I didn’t even know that there was even a market for what I wanted to sell in Miami: sustainably sourced, eco-conscious, high-quality clothing. But over time, Meadow Collective has grown a little following, and I’ve met some of the most amazing people in the community. Even after we’ve had some successes, I still can’t believe when a magazine wants to interview me.

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How to Set an Intention
Journey, Self Care Guest User Journey, Self Care Guest User

How to Set an Intention

For some people, their permanent jewelry may be a reminder to exercise every day, eat more veggies, practice mindfulness, or even just take five minutes to breathe every now and then. Whatever the case may be, the powerful thing about setting an intention with your bracelet is that you’re making an agreement with yourself.

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Reflections from 2022
Journey Guest User Journey Guest User

Reflections from 2022

And just like that, the 2022 season comes to an end…I can't help but reflect on what a turbulent ride 2022 was. It was a year filled with extreme highs and extreme lows, but we did it. We made it through the year, through ups and downs, and now we’re ready for a new year.

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Thankful for you.
Journey Guest User Journey Guest User

Thankful for you.

There is no better time to give thanks and reflect on all the things you are grateful for than Thanksgiving week, and lately, I’ve been doing some thinking. You are the reason Meadow Collective exists, and I’m so grateful for each and every one of you. Without you there is no us… and because of you, we are headed into our 5th holiday season.  

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How To Live With a Broken Wing
Storytelling, Journey Guest User Storytelling, Journey Guest User

How To Live With a Broken Wing

It only takes five minutes for your life to be turned completely upside down. I was reminded of this harsh fact on Christmas Day. This December, marked the first year since I started rollerskating. After only one year of roller skating, I figured out that I had found something I truly loved, something that makes me feel alive and present. But then on Christmas Day with one silly slip of the wheels, I broke my arm.

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Journey, Storytelling Guest User Journey, Storytelling Guest User


We expect our midlife existence to suck. Why wouldn't we? Media, our peers, everyday people you just meet …. Midlife women don't matter. Your life is supposed to suck at this point. It’s supposed to be a has-been.

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What Is Sound Therapy?
Self Care, Journey Guest User Self Care, Journey Guest User

What Is Sound Therapy?

Imagine you’re driving home down US1 at rush hour after you’ve had a bad day. Traffic is at a standstill, and you’re assaulted by a cacophony of honks. The tension around you only adds to your already bad day. To drown out the noise of traffic and your mind repeating the events day, you turn on the radio. It’s your favorite song. You hum to yourself a bit, but then the chorus hits.

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The Meaning of Home
Storytelling, Journey Guest User Storytelling, Journey Guest User

The Meaning of Home

Home holds a lot of different meanings for everyone. Home is a place you lay your head down at night. Home is four brick walls, a manicured lawn, and a white picket fence. Home is a feeling, a person, a sense of belonging. It’s everything.

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Reflections from Plastic-Free July
Sustainable Living, Journey Guest User Sustainable Living, Journey Guest User

Reflections from Plastic-Free July

As you know, Plastic-Free July has finally come to end. And over the course of this last month, I did my best to completely eliminate plastic from my everyday life. I avoided buying packaged blueberries. Everywhere I went, I carried my own cutlery. I didn’t buy bread because of its plastic wrappings. And I even brought my own containers to restaurants in case I had leftovers.

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Journey Guest User Journey Guest User


When I first became a mother I was 23. I had no idea what I was doing. Jason and I were so young and I remember leaving the hospital literally so amazed they were gonna let us kids drive away alone with this tiny human.

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Our Roots
Storytelling, Journey Guest User Storytelling, Journey Guest User

Our Roots

Meadow Collective was born 15 years ago, but its story started way before the shop opened. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit. Growing up, I remember making little bracelets and selling them to my friends. I remember selling fruit I picked off our trees on the sidewalk. This was the beginning of everything.

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