Meadow Collective Picks: Katelin
There are a lot of people that make the Meadow Collective dream possible. The shop wouldn’t be anything without you guys. Every time you chose to shop here you continue to make my dream come true. However, I do have to give a special shout-out to my team of girls.

Thank You.
I remember when I first opened up the shop. I wasn’t sure how people would take it. I didn’t even know that there was even a market for what I wanted to sell in Miami: sustainably sourced, eco-conscious, high-quality clothing. But over time, Meadow Collective has grown a little following, and I’ve met some of the most amazing people in the community. Even after we’ve had some successes, I still can’t believe when a magazine wants to interview me.

How to Set an Intention
For some people, their permanent jewelry may be a reminder to exercise every day, eat more veggies, practice mindfulness, or even just take five minutes to breathe every now and then. Whatever the case may be, the powerful thing about setting an intention with your bracelet is that you’re making an agreement with yourself.

Get Meadow Connected!
I’m sure you’ve heard of forever jewelry or “get zapped” from friends by now, or maybe you’ve seen it on TikTok. If not, the idea is that it’s permanent jewelry. Your bracelet is literally welded on your wrist. There’s no way to take it off without breaking the bracelet. After doing some thinking, I’ve decided to have my own version of “forever jewelry” or “zapped” at the shop in Miami, Meadow Connected.