How to Enjoy the Little Things in Life: Our Favorite Candles
When life gets too much, I try to focus on the little things that bring me joy: a walk in the park, eating one of my favorite meals, rollerskating, unwrapping new shipments to the shop, the smell of a nice candle. It’s these little things that keep me going amidst all the chaos. And I know it sounds ridiculous, but those are really the things that keep me sane…especially with the holiday season coming up.

Shower Affirmations: How to Start Your Week Off Right
Sometimes during the day, I feel like my shower is the only time I have to myself away from the stresses of everyday life, and lately, I’ve been using these cards to remind myself to slow down and take a minute. It may not seem like a lot, but it’s a little self-care ritual I’ve come to love.

What Is Sound Therapy?
Imagine you’re driving home down US1 at rush hour after you’ve had a bad day. Traffic is at a standstill, and you’re assaulted by a cacophony of honks. The tension around you only adds to your already bad day. To drown out the noise of traffic and your mind repeating the events day, you turn on the radio. It’s your favorite song. You hum to yourself a bit, but then the chorus hits.