The Best Tunes of 2021
Every year when Spotify wrapped comes out, I’m always surprised at how much music I listen to. Of course, it’s always playing in the shop, but still, when I stop and think about it, music is a huge part of my life.
So, this year for Christmas I thought it would be cool to give you guys one of my favorite playlists for 2021. I know that some of you already know my favorite artists (Joni Mitchell and Stevie Nicks), but this playlist is a little more than just that. It’s 2 hours and 11 minutes of my entire year.
And I know it sounds cliche, but from the ups and downs and everything in between, music has been integral to my life. Whether it’s just working in the shop, road trips, or cruising down the road in my rollerskates, I always have something playing.
And like everyone else in the world, each song has some kind of personal meaning to me. Some of these songs are my cruising songs, the songs to escape the world and throw on my rollerskates, and forget about everything. While some of these songs make me remember. They take me back to my best days and fondest memories.
This playlist is a collective of everything I listened to in 2021. From the beginning of the year to road tripping to Maine and finally going back to my home in Costa Rica, these tunes represent my whole year.
They’re old favorites, new loves, and anthems to my life. So, if you find yourself with some spare time traveling back and forth to loved ones’ homes or you just need a minute to decompress, listen for a bit. You might discover some of your new favorites.