Why Is Cotton Better Than Polyester?
For this blog, I want to explain the importance of choosing natural fibers and why they are better for you, the environment, and your closet. Let’s take cotton and polyester. Since the 70s, polyester has come a long way. It’s virtually used in every clothing industry from athletic wear to breezy sundresses.

Happy Earth Day And Fashion Revolution
This week is a big week for the Earth. With Earth day today and Fashion Revolution happening all week, I thought I’d take some time to explain why carrying sustainable brands means so much to me and the Earth. Since I was a kid, I always remember being connected to nature.

To Nala
I got Nala when she was 6 weeks old. We were living in Costa Rica at the time, so she was a tica puppy. She seemed to love us as soon as I brought her home, which always seemed like a miracle. I brought her to my shop on day one, and she just slept in the middle of the shop floor. I knew she was my perfect companion.

How To Live With a Broken Wing
It only takes five minutes for your life to be turned completely upside down. I was reminded of this harsh fact on Christmas Day. This December, marked the first year since I started rollerskating. After only one year of roller skating, I figured out that I had found something I truly loved, something that makes me feel alive and present. But then on Christmas Day with one silly slip of the wheels, I broke my arm.

The Best Tunes of 2021
Every year when Spotify wrapped comes out, I’m always surprised at how much music I listen to. Of course, it’s always playing the shop, but still, when I stop and think about it, music is a huge part of my life. So, this year for Christmas I thought it would be cool to give you guys one of my favorite playlists for 2021.

We expect our midlife existence to suck. Why wouldn't we? Media, our peers, everyday people you just meet …. Midlife women don't matter. Your life is supposed to suck at this point. It’s supposed to be a has-been.

The Meaning of Home
Home holds a lot of different meanings for everyone. Home is a place you lay your head down at night. Home is four brick walls, a manicured lawn, and a white picket fence. Home is a feeling, a person, a sense of belonging. It’s everything.

Our Roots
Meadow Collective was born 15 years ago, but its story started way before the shop opened. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit. Growing up, I remember making little bracelets and selling them to my friends. I remember selling fruit I picked off our trees on the sidewalk. This was the beginning of everything.