Shower Affirmations: How to Start Your Week Off Right
Sometimes during the day, I feel like my shower is the only time I have to myself away from the stresses of everyday life, and lately, I’ve been using these cards to remind myself to slow down and take a minute. It may not seem like a lot, but it’s a little self-care ritual I’ve come to love.

How To Live With a Broken Wing
It only takes five minutes for your life to be turned completely upside down. I was reminded of this harsh fact on Christmas Day. This December, marked the first year since I started rollerskating. After only one year of roller skating, I figured out that I had found something I truly loved, something that makes me feel alive and present. But then on Christmas Day with one silly slip of the wheels, I broke my arm.

What Is Sound Therapy?
Imagine you’re driving home down US1 at rush hour after you’ve had a bad day. Traffic is at a standstill, and you’re assaulted by a cacophony of honks. The tension around you only adds to your already bad day. To drown out the noise of traffic and your mind repeating the events day, you turn on the radio. It’s your favorite song. You hum to yourself a bit, but then the chorus hits.

Meadow's Guide to Healing Crystals
I’ll be the first person to admit that the idea of healing crystals seems a little “New Age” and too mystical to be true. I mean when I think of healing crystals, I think about candy-colored bowls of rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine. Aesthetic Pinterest accounts full of monochromatic gems.

Meadow’s Guide To Saging
If you’ve ever been to a farmer’s market or scrolled through the depths of Pinterest’s yoga community, I’m sure you’ve seen someone waving around a smoking bundle of burning flowers and sticks. And I’m sure you stopped and wondered, “What is that?” and “What are they doing?”