What is Fashion Revolution?

On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1,138 people and injuring more than 2,500. The Rana Plaza building housed five garment factories that made clothes for some of the largest, most well-known global fashion brands. Most of the victims of the disaster were young women who were overworked and extremely underpaid.


The factory was the fourth largest industrial disaster in history. Shortly after it happened, Fashion Revolution week was created to honor the victims of the Rana Plaza Disaster and bring attention to the rights of garment workers and human rights violations that fast fashion is sweeping under the rug. 


Today, when we can have anything we want with the touch of a button, we can forget about how things are made and where they come from. We can be blissfully ignorant of the human rights violations that are occurring all over the world just so we can have cheap clothes. We can forget about the suffering that we are causing by supporting big box fashion brands.  

Forget fast fashion

At Meadow Collective, we believe in fashion. However, we believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to do fashion. Fast fashion is an unsustainable, toxic industry that harms the planet and exploits garment workers. We believe in a fashion industry that is slower, that takes care of the people who are manufacturing the clothes, the people at the bottom of the ladder. We will not wear or sell clothes at the expense of others and the planet.  

Every time you buy something you either cast a vote for or against sustainability

One of the most important things we believe in is knowing who made your clothes. Were they well paid? Did they have safe working conditions? Could they take a bathroom break without the fear of being fired?  

We stand with garment workers all over the world and hold ourselves and our shop accountable for knowing who made our clothes and what’s in our clothes. It’s the only way we can move forward and make a positive change in the fashion industry. 

If you want to make a difference, educate yourself on how you can be a part of the revolution. Recycle old clothes. Buy from sustainable and ethical companies that put the planet and people first. And, be loud. Share this information with others everywhere. 


Earth Day 2021


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