Real Leather vs. Vegan Leather
I know I may get some hate for this, but I don’t support vegan leather. And I refuse to sell vegan leather because it violates one of the shop’s core principles: sustainability. Although it may seem counterintuitive, vegan leather is actually much worse for the environment than regular leather. Because, vegan leather is essentially plastic.

Spell’s Impact Report 2023
You guys know how much I love Spell. Their values align perfectly with everything the shop stands for: slow fashion, garments made with high-quality materials by fairly-treated workers, and a commitment toward sustainability. It’s all these things that can make fashion a part of our lives and world without destroying it. So, when I get Spell’s yearly impact report, you know I have to share it.

How to Support Slow Fashion: Meadow Collective’s Roots
Long before I opened up the doors of my little shop in Miami, I had a shop in Costa Rica. My shop now is very different from the one I had in Costa Rica. Both had the same values of sustainability, slow fashion, and of course, super cute boho looks. But with my first shop, I actually made most of the stuff I own.

What It Feels Like To Be a Small Business Owner
What It feels like to be a small business owner…Brainstorming with my little team my girl thought it was a good idea for me to write a blog post about what it feels like to be a small business owner. I thought… yes what a great idea. I thought about it. I was thinking about all these great empowering feelings.

Why Is Cotton Better Than Polyester?
For this blog, I want to explain the importance of choosing natural fibers and why they are better for you, the environment, and your closet. Let’s take cotton and polyester. Since the 70s, polyester has come a long way. It’s virtually used in every clothing industry from athletic wear to breezy sundresses.

How To Care For Your Clothes
You know here at Meadow Collective, we’re all about sustainability. We love to provide you with high-quality, sustainably made pieces that will last a lifetime. We believe in honoring the earth and celebrating slow fashion while still curating our unique styles. So, with that in mind and Earth Day fast approaching, we’ve decided to provide you with some tips on how to take care of your clothes and make them last.

Our Sustainable Brands Featuring Spell
Here at Meadow Collective, one of our core values is sustainability. We care about selling high-quality clothes that are good for the planet. We don’t think that the future of fashion should be cheap and plastic-based. We don’t think that making the clothes we love means killing the planet we love. No, we’re in favor of a better method.

How to Find the Best Christmas Gifts
Every year, right after Thanksgiving millions of Americans flock to giant corporate stores to participate in the chaotic, waste-driven, spending fest that we know as Black Friday. Sounds crazy, right? Just after a day where we’re supposed to be thankful for what we have and spend time with family, we’re supposed to wait in long lines, push other people, and fight for cheap, low-quality stuff that’s destroying our planet.

Reflections from Plastic-Free July
As you know, Plastic-Free July has finally come to end. And over the course of this last month, I did my best to completely eliminate plastic from my everyday life. I avoided buying packaged blueberries. Everywhere I went, I carried my own cutlery. I didn’t buy bread because of its plastic wrappings. And I even brought my own containers to restaurants in case I had leftovers.

Earth Day 2021
I made my way down the muddy dirt road once more, shifting into 4-wheel drive to avoid getting stuck. I dodged massive potholes while reminiscing about my life in Costa Rica. I had been gone from Costa Rica for two years, and as soon as I landed.

What is Fashion Revolution?
On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1,138 people and injuring more than 2,500. The Rana Plaza building housed five garment factories that made clothes for some of the largest, most well-known global fashion brands.

10 Sustainable Products to Reduce Waste in your Home
Eliminating plastic from your home is not only good for the environment, but it’s good for your health. Every day, more and more research is coming out about microplastics and how they could affect your health in the long term.