We Do NOT Support Fast Fashion
April is a special month for us at Meadow Collective for a lot of reasons. But the main two are Earth Day and Fashion Revolution. As a boutique that sources sustainable fashion and gifts from sustainable brands like Spell, Indah, and Nine Lives Bazaar as well as local artisans, we’re trying to do our part to bring awareness to the horrors of the fast fashion industry.

Fashion Revolution
A lot of people often ask me why the stuff I sell is so expensive, and I get it. If you’re used to buying from fast fashion like SheIn or H&M, some of the stuff in my shop can seem outrageous. But every time someone asks me that, I tell them a little bit about the piece they just picked up.

Real Leather vs. Vegan Leather
I know I may get some hate for this, but I don’t support vegan leather. And I refuse to sell vegan leather because it violates one of the shop’s core principles: sustainability. Although it may seem counterintuitive, vegan leather is actually much worse for the environment than regular leather. Because, vegan leather is essentially plastic.

Spell’s Impact Report 2023
You guys know how much I love Spell. Their values align perfectly with everything the shop stands for: slow fashion, garments made with high-quality materials by fairly-treated workers, and a commitment toward sustainability. It’s all these things that can make fashion a part of our lives and world without destroying it. So, when I get Spell’s yearly impact report, you know I have to share it.

Happy Earth Day And Fashion Revolution
This week is a big week for the Earth. With Earth day today and Fashion Revolution happening all week, I thought I’d take some time to explain why carrying sustainable brands means so much to me and the Earth. Since I was a kid, I always remember being connected to nature.

Spring Wardrobe Haul
This is absolutely one of my favorite times of the year, even if the pollen is driving me crazy. I love spring. I love the warmth. I love the anticipation of summer and summer trips. I love seeing everything bloom, and I love most of all the fashion that comes with spring. Even though the weather in Miami doesn’t change much, and we really don’t really have seasons, there’s a whole different look to spring fashion that I just can’t get enough of.

Spell’s 100% Sustainable Collection: Meadowland
The Meadowland collection is Spell’s first 100% sustainable collection. And even though Spell has always made its collections with sustainability in mind, this collection marks a massive milestone for Spell. To be even a little sustainable in clothing production requires a decent amount of effort, but to be completely sustainable requires an enormous commitment.

What is Fashion Revolution?
On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1,138 people and injuring more than 2,500. The Rana Plaza building housed five garment factories that made clothes for some of the largest, most well-known global fashion brands.